Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My cat hates me...

Living with a sarcastic cat is not my idea of fun.  Pepper has been giving me lip ever since I brought her back from the RSPCA.  If she doesn't like the food I give her, she vomits it all over in little bundles.  These vomit landmines are lethal early in the morning especially when you happen to step on one whilst rubbing sleep out of your eyes! 

Another way Pepper protests against the food I give her is to attack my plants.  Now I am not a green finger person - plants hate me.  So it is rare when plants actually survive after a few weeks in my care, let alone grow.  My cat obviously knows this and she has been sneering at my attempts to "greenify" my abode.  She jumps on my windowsill behind my back, and starts puncturing holes in the leaves of my plants like an automated hole-punch.  Of course after a few sessions of this grooming from my cat, the plant dies and I am left with withered stumps.  

My cat has this feud with me because she likes eating canned cat food or human food like ham and fried chicken.  My vet tells me that she can't eat too much of this type of food because they will rot her teeth.  If I don't give her what she wants she sulks.  When I relent and slip her some ham under the table I get told off from my family.  "Don't feed the cat when we are having dinner!  You are spoiling her!" they say.  When I give them an innocent look and deny their accusations, they point to the cat who is dutifully sitting next to my chair looking at me expectantly!  Traitor!